Thursday 29 December 2011

Why the perfect girl doesn't exist!

So I havent blogged for a while but I have just been super busy... Dublin (which I will blog about later) work (wshich I won't bore you with) and Christmas (which again I will blog about later).

I went for drinks with a male friend a few days ago. He began talking about the perfect qualities he would like in a girlfriend. And it made me think, for years now men have spoke to me about the perfect girl. These traits are often not found in many women and yet we still try hard to be this way even if this means pretending to be something we are not. Traits such as laid back and relaxed, there are very few women I know like this and those that are, are generally not looking to be in a relationship.

 A common complaint I have heard often, about myself and my friends girlfriend, "why do we women over analyse everything?" Well forgive me for one moment, but I think I have the answer to this? We do this because we try so hard to fit the male version of the perfect girl, the one, but in doing so we must analyse everything you want but in doing so we contradict ourselves. We are laid back, but we also try to show we are interested and we care! We analyse things to a dangerous limit to try to be what you want. Things that are often attributed to the 'time of our months'. It is crazy and nonsensical but what do you expect when for centuries we have been told how irrational our sex is. 

For a long time i over analysed everything myself, I suppose I still do now, sometimes. But I think I am getting over that, no more games and trying too hard, if you dont like me I think this is tough. 
Every girl should be like this we shouldn't have to change to impress the opposite sex. If you moan when your fella wants to go out then do so, if you over analyse every little detail then why pretend you don't? If you spend days and days without make up and doing your hair let him see it if he doesn't like it that's his problem not yours! Luckily I have found a boy that likes me even more when I spend days in my pj's eating my own body weight in junk food, without make up and doing my hair. He loves that I'm sometimes mental (yes I know I am crazy) he says it's just because I care. 
Look when you find someone that appreciates you exactly how you are for all your crazy insecurities you will know what I am talking about... and Trust me he is there for you :)
Be happy with who you are not what he wants you to be :)