Tuesday 10 January 2012

Dublin with Rory

We (me and my boyfriend that is) went to Dublin before Christmas. And yes I know it is now the middle (ish) of January but I have had a super busy stressful couple of weeks.

Firstly we went to the Guinness Factory. OH My God is all I can say... the only place I like Guinness. It was so thick and like soup I loved it :) had a couple.
Guinness Factory :)
I saw this absolutely beautiful Christmas tree (looked even better at night) Even though it was grey rainy and miserable I still had a wonderful time and would highly recommend it to anyone :)

Dublin was fairly expensive but no where near what I thought. So we had a night out while we was there was actually pretty lovely. The bars were lovely old Irish songs with people playing banjo's and fiddles
Just a tad drunk from the Wiskey (I LOVE POWERS)
So there are loads more but I wont bore you with them, well for now, I probably will later. But I had a pretty crappy day so I will save it for another day.
One last thing.... I highly recommend Dublin :)