Monday 28 November 2011

It's all for you

I Haven't blogged for a while but I have been super busy with work and learning to drive and things.
Quite a bit has happened since last time as well...
Firstly, me and Rory went to York. It's half way so we just met for the day we was going to stay over but with it been York University Graduation week we couldn't get a (cheap) hotel.
We went shopping then had a look round York Minster. What a beautiful building. It was sunny clear skies but it was very cold and Autumny
We also found this absolutely beautiful little pub all lit by candle light, old Gothic style pub, also the home and birth place of Guy Fawkes I don't know how much to believe of that though. 

It was also my Graduation this week, the ceremony and the ball. i was so nervous for the ceremony having to go up on stage collect my degree, I was positive I was going to fall. Luckily I didn't. 
It was a proud but terrifying day. I had to wear heels as the gown was far too long on me everything was just a little bit too big so I looked like a child playing dress up. It was an excellent day, shared with family and friends, those that mattered the most. I got a lovely cake and a new charm for my Pandora from my parents, I got a beautiful bunch of flowers from my boyfriend and even a couple of cards, a very lovely one from my boyfriends parents. 
On top of that we had a graduation ball. I wore a very simple black maxi dress, it hung low at the back and had a slit up to the knee for easy walking (it was needed) and I had the most amazing shoes ever, red and glittery an awful lot of Dorothy comments were made but I don't care they were beautiful and I was tall for a change.  Rory looked gorgeous in his grey suit white shirt and red tie (to match my shoes). Its not an excellent picture and you cant quite see my beautiful shoes but I will upload them when I get them!

All in all it has been a very busy but exciting couple of weeks, with some boring i.e. work bits in between. 
I also need some little stocking fillers for my boyfriend, he has a main present but its not something he can open really but I'm not too sure what to get him... Any ideas appreciated?

Monday 7 November 2011

I'm comfortable

I got this absolutely gorgeous necklace from a beautiful lady. Her daughter is stick thin and I have put on a teeny tiny boat load of weight in the last couple of years and had loads of very pretty dresses that I can no longer squeeze my backside into so I gave her them some of them I have worn no more than once. I got this necklace as a thank you. Pandas are my favourite animal in the whole world. 
Back to the most important matter. The weight i have gained. 
Most of which I am attributing to my boyfriend and how comfortable around him I am now. When I started university I was around 7 and a half stone and a size 6/8, yes I had a hip bones that you could see. At 5"4 that didn't look all that good if I am honest. But you see if so many times you just feel like you have to be that tiny.But I don't think it looks all that good. And my boyfriend, having known me since I was thin, thinks I look much better now and as worried and body conscious as I sometimes feel I know subconsciously that it does look better. I am a size 10/12 depending on the shop of course, I don't know how much I weigh, if I did I would obsess and lose loads of weight so I found the best solution is not to know how much I weigh. I eat healthy, most of the time, but I don't deny myself the food I love, Chinese with the boy and pizza. So I say who cares if you don't fit into your size 8 jeans any more as long as you can learn to feel comfortable in yourself. 
Do you feel comfortable in yourself yet?