Monday 31 October 2011

My Old Friend

"Some people go to priests, some to poetry,
I to my friends"
Virginia Woolf

I caught up with an old friend today. I have known him since I was 5 years old, (that's 16years) and it made me think. 
We don't see the people we care about enough. For example, I haven't seen Jonathan in over a month, I find it very weird calling him this I never have as long as I have known him. Even though we went to different secondary schools, he went to a erm more private school than I did, we still stayed in contact, different universities and barely seeing each other over the three years we were there has not made it awkward when we see each other, I suppose this is a true sign of friendship, nor did our friendship end when me and a friend pushed him into a lake out of a tree. But I suppose this is true friendship.
The same can be said for my friend Laura, we lived opposite each other for 10 year walked to school and caught the bus together everyday yet now we barely see each other once a month even though I moved we still live in the same village.
But we try to make time for coffee once every couple of weeks or so but its more and more difficult to do this now. Both working odd hours sometimes unsociable hours and having other commitments we barely have time to see each other yet when we do it was like it was only yesterday. This is the sign of true friendship. Someone that is there when you need them makes time and doesn't cancel last minute without a real reason (real reasons being death or severe illness) someone that doesn't matter when you last saw them but you never run out of things to say to each other.

On a different note, I got my bracelet fixed today :) I got it for my birthday this year and the little heart fell off the end, think I wore it too much, but it's fixed now and I love it :) it is so delicate and feminine not exactly my usual taste but so lovely.

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